Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cat got your conscience?

Philadelphia man faces charges after police discover video of kittens being tossed

I came across this appalling article today and as if the article wasn't bad enough, the video footage of this disturbed future offender is downright disgusting.

Anyone who knows me probably knows how much I despise people who neglect or abuse animals, but sometimes it surprises me how upset I really get. What people don't seem to get, is that catching and punishing animal abusers, is usually the first opportunity to identify a potential threat to society!

"Many known serial killers began their careers by hurting pet animals," warn the authors of a 2004 article in one veterinary journal. "It is well known in the criminology field that people who perpetrate acts of cruelty on animals, frequently escalate to torturing humans, usually the young and helpless."

I couldn't agree more - anyone who would maliciously or neglectfully harm a defenseless animal, is certainly capable (if not predisposed) to harming a defenseless human.

That being said, I find it utterly unbelievable that when these future bat-shit crazy abusers rarely see the inside of the courtroom, they are usually met with a meager fine and community service. In the most severe cases, jail time has been imposed...but it rarely exceeds 2 years. It makes no sense to me at all!

When this psycho kitty killer finishes with his slap on the wrist, I'm sure he will move on to bigger "prey" and then everyone will be like "we didn't see this coming - how tragic!"

What's tragic is our legal system and the inability of "Lady Justice" to shove that sword of hers up the asses of these future rapists, pedophiles, and serial killers...just to be on the safe side.

All I can say is I'd bet my bottom dollar that the stupid kid in the video will eventually end up in prison someday. And when that day comes - I hope he gets the shit kicked out of him so he knows what it feels like to be a defenseless victim with nowhere to run.

Happy incarceration - asshole.
