Wednesday, November 14, 2012


A couple of weeks ago I participated in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. As the Philanthropy Chair of my sorority's alumni association, I recruited a team and we raised as much money as we could. Our team raised a total of $825 - which was $140 more than we raised last year. I was extremely proud as it is very difficult to raise funds for a cause during tough economic times - everyone was very generous and that meant a lot to me.

So the day of the race came...our team didn't "race", we just participated in the "Family Fun Walk/5K" portion. As we worked our way up to the starting line, I was confronted by the following horrific images...

*Be advised the images below are disturbing and disgusting*


Those were just the ones that I was able to locate online. Believe me there were many more graphic depictions plastered on signs and they were as big as a person.

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked over at the protesters and the awful signs they were holding with pride - I couldn't stop myself from blurting out "OH MY GOD! Are those people fucking serious?!". I couldn't believe they had the audacity to stand there and preach "family values" while simultaneously imposing these grotesque and horrific images on the thousands of children in attendance!

I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice - all I'm saying is that if anyone is going to exercise their right of free speech and assembly, they really should take more care in the manner in which they choose to do it.

Make no mistake - I am a FIRM believer in the freedom of speech, however, I feel it is important to stress the need for social responsibility. What if you were there with your kids and they saw these images -would you mind? How would you explain this complicated issue to a child? Even if you could explain it, do you think the graphic images are appropriate for a child's eyes?

I know how passionate people are about this heated debate and understandably so. Being a person who also likes to "rock the boat", I completely understand the desire people have to stir the pot to get people's attention. But in my opinion, the Family Fun Walk to benefit Breast Cancer was not an appropriate time or the place for that kind of demonstration. This is an issue ABOUT kids, not an issue FOR kids.

So where do I stand on the issue?
I'm personally Pro-Life: I don't think I could bring myself to terminate my pregnancy under any circumstances, even if my life was in danger. To me, a baby is one of the few miracles in life and I would never want to interfere with that. My opinion is purely my own and is never imposed on others.
I'm legislatively Pro-Choice/Anti-Government funding: Our government has no business telling ANYONE what they can and/or can't do with their bodies. Period. In addition, I believe that our government has no business funding either side of an issue of this kind.
I'm socially Pro-Education: I believe that educating people on BOTH sides of any given issue is the only way people can make an informed decision. The focus should be on providing resources to help facilitate that education and allowing the individual to make up their own mind.

And most importantly...

I'm Pro-Decency: No matter what your stance is on an issue, as a member of society it is in your best interest to take your audience into consideration before addressing an issue publicly. Do you have the right to speak your mind? Absolutely! But keep in mind that you are likely to do more harm than good for your cause by making your target audience uncomfortable.

Just a thought.
