Has everyone lost their damn mind?
Protests, terrorism, race wars...as a self-proclaimed "history buff", I find myself delirious with déjà vu. These battles have already been fought and paid for. I'm perplexed as to how and why they are rearing their ugly heads once again in a different place and time. Are we doomed to keep repeating our own history? Has our progress been nothing but a seductive illusion?
Everyone seems to feel the need to draw hard lines. Us vs. Them. You vs. Me.
So divisive our society has become - and to what end? None of these lines drawn in the sand have made anything better, only worse. Focusing on our differences while deliberately ignoring our commonalities is fueling a fire that will most assuredly burn our nation to the ground.
I have always thought that the difference of opinion is what creates the petri dish of progress; where ingenuity is born. However, recent events have spurred a dynamic that can only be described as pure lunacy. The stability of our nation (due to its size and status) is reliant on our ability to embrace our differences and stay the course. "United we stand, divided we fall".
People need to open their eyes, shut their mouths, and check their egos at the door. There is no winning a battle of witlessness. These cataclysmic clashes occurring on our main stage are only highlighting our weaknesses. People think they are fighting the good fight to be heard, however, they are only drawing attention to the gaping wounds in our society that will only grow septic with time. It's time to dress our wounds and move forward - enough with the petty jabs for the sheer sake of "principle".
This has got to be the most misguided generation to ever take the reins of this country. Albeit it's my generation, but it's one that I never truly felt a part of. I have an old soul that forever feels out of place. I appreciate simpler times and simpler things. I can't connect with a generation that is constantly glued to their phones as their main means of "connection" to other human beings. Their passive-aggressive nature and inability to withstand even the mildest of confrontation or criticism is nauseating to me. Why is everyone so easily offended? Have we lost our ability to simply shrug off the haters and keep walking? Why must every sour experience turn into a public stand-off?
![Image result for hurt my feelings meme](https://i.imgur.com/jqtz6fv.jpg)
The insurgence of social media is undoubtedly the main catalyst for this change. It creates a forum where everything is news and everyone has carte blanche to give their opinion. As of February of this year, Facebook reported having over 1.86 billion active users - that's an insane number of opinionated individuals (most of which have hair-trigger tempers), all instantly connected by a click of a button. What a powder keg.
This would be a terribly long post if I were to dive into each issue currently overwhelming the headlines, so I think it best to table that temptation for another day. In short, I just wish people would just snap out of it. Stop making assumptions, unfair generalizations, and drawing baseless conclusions. Entertaining this kind of madness is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.