Friday, May 11, 2012

Mental Mothers

In honor of Mother's Day this Sunday, I decided I would highlight a few of the "Mommy-related" headlines that caught my a negative way:

Clowning Around: For a nominal fee, parents can hire a creepy clown to scare the daylights out of their child during his/her birthday week. After a week of threatening letters, texts, and phone calls, the week-long harassment ultimately results in the clown catching the child off guard in order to smash cake in their face. Happy Birthday!! No harm done, right? Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is one of the most common phobias in the world. In fact, there was a recent study where it was discovered that most children universally dislike clowns...and those are the "nice" ones! What parent would think paying a menacing clown to taunt their child for a week would ever result in a happy birthday for their child? Can you say therapy?


Misfortune Teller: People go to fortune tellers for a variety of reasons, but most people do it purely for entertainment purposes. It was not revealed why Linda Clappison went to see a fortune teller, but we do know that after she returned home, her parenting technique drastically changed. Apparently she promptly locked her children in their rooms, removed their light bulbs, toys, and mattresses before volunteering them into indentured servitude for the local Roma population (Gypsies). This lasted for 6 years before one of her children broke down at school and begged them to not make her go home. The mother's response to the charges? "They're liars." Wow - what a compelling argument! The weird part is that her kids insisted that she was a great mother prior to her mysterious visit with the fortune teller. Things that make you go hmmm...

Diaper Drama: We've all heard stories of the controversial methods that parents have used for punishing poor performance in school, but I think this one tops them all. A mother was recently arrested for shaving her 12 year-old daughter's head, dressing her in a diaper, and making her pick up garbage in the front yard. Why? Poor grades and tardy homework completion. Several neighbors heard the girl crying hysterically and begging to go back inside. Police officers arrested the mother and CPS promptly removed the girl and her siblings from the home. It is a sick, sick mind that can come up with crazy punishments like this. Overreact much?

I don't know about you, but after reading these stories, I am going to give my mother a huge hug and thank her for my childhood that lacked humiliation and torment. It is fairly obvious that good mothers are a minority, so be sure to show your appreciation this weekend if you can! If not, at least say a prayer for the poor souls who are so unfortunate as to be born into nightmares like these...


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