Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mind your own marriage!

Well, this wouldn't be much of a "deb8" blog if I didn't touch on some touchy subjects. I can't seem to get through a day without hearing someone give their two cents about the gay marriage controversy...so I might as well toss in my $1.50...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter and some people express those opinions better than others, however it was the last sentence of this quote that really caught my attention: "Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."

I am a firm believer in equality and liberty - I also happen to believe that you can't help who you fall in love with. Love is love and if two consenting adults want to spend the rest of their lives together, then who are we to tell them they can't (or shouldn't)? Two consenting adults are two consenting adults - period. If there's no harm, there's no foul. It's not acceptable to pass judgement on someone else's marriage - each marriage is unique to the persons involved. The opinions of a third party should never be weighted or debated...in other words, mind your own marriage!

If gay marriage is legalized, will it impact you? What do you think banning gay marriage will accomplish? Are you basing your stance on personal views or are you basing it on right and wrong? These are important questions to ask yourself, because that's how you tell if you are fighting for a cause or fighting for your cause.

A lot of people maintain that this will be a slippery-slope for society. Honestly, the only "slippery-slope" I am afraid of is our government's restriction of rights. If they've done it before (interracial marriage) and they can do it now (gay marriage), they can certainly do it later for something else. That's what scares me. What's to stop them from going a bit further? Instead of just requiring you to file a marriage certificate with them to validate your marriage, suppose they require you to file an application for marriage that needed to be approved by the State first? Would that seem right to you? Would you feel that the government is justified in judging your right to marry? I doubt it.

Putting my "big-government-wielding-unchecked-power" fears aside, it simply doesn't make any sense to me that being in a homosexual relationship is legal, but committing to one for life isn't. Logically, it would have to be one way or the other and I think people are starting to see that. Personally, I try to not concern myself with other people's life choices (my own are enough to deal with), but it is important to me that those other people have the freedom to make their choices, just as freely as I do.

So, what is my Jerry Springer-like final thought of the day? Equal rights for all. No exceptions. Just give everyone the chance to have the life they want.


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